
The New Undertaking

I offer some words of potential advice for those of you who are 39—going on 70, 80 and beyond. If you no longer sense a purpose in life, I have a story to share with you.

After my husband and 98 year old mother died within two years of each other, I found myself left without a clear purpose.

But the Lord inspired me to begin a nearly four year journey into the world of publishing. It began with writing in longhand the book, The Hidden Place. Next, I was confronted with the task of typing it with an unfamiliar Word Document, researching publishers, website domains and ISBN numbers. I spent two months of the summer on the process of narrating the book.

As a result, the Lord has given me a new lease on life, despite my years. I again enjoy taking good care of my body with physical therapy, exercise and healthy eating.

At age 75 the journey of writing and publishing a book has been a challenge, but the Lord has come through every time with whatever I have needed. I’ve found Him faithful.

I encourage you also to venture out again into the vibrancy and joy of life. Ask Him to show you how the two of you can partner in a new undertaking, however great or small. You’ll find Him eager to open new windows and doors for you.

After all, there still remain miles to go before we sleep.